Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

I’m not sure if it’s the warm weather that’s starting to set in But the focus from my readers has shifted to the chest, and more specifically….HOW TO TARGET THE UPPER CHEST!

Upper chest training remains a problem for most, with the fibers a little harder to get at than in lower areas of the muscle. UNTIL NOW!

incline bench press chestSee how one quick change in your setup can cause what I call “makeup growth” (which are the gains you SHOULD have been getting all along with the right information!) Watch as I break it all down for you and explain not only HOW this tip works but WHY it does

Everyone wants results and they want them fast…but unless you’re training the muscles the way THEY’RE MEANT TO BE TRAINED…It’s going to take longer than you hoped.

With AthLEAN-X, you’ll get ONLY the exercises, tips, and tactiX that have been proven to deliver FAST and LASTING results! If it hasn’t worked for the Pros…it’s NOT in the program!

Start training like an ATHLETE today and get your “AthLEAN” body in time for the warm weather!!


Stay Strong….


PS. Grab your “EMPTY ROOM CHALLENGE” x-clusive bonus with your purchase of AthLEAN-X ALL-STAR Package! See how 10 exercises that can be done with nothing but yourself and a wall… can bring any man to their knees. What will your score be?