Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

A couple of weeks ago I did a video where I opened up my vitamin cabinet…And showed you everything I take each day. Well it sparked new questions… And I’m answering them here!

– What supplements should I take?

– What age should I take them?

– Which should I avoid?

I’m answering them all.  The What, When and Why of Supplements.

Included in this video are:

– My thoughts on test boosters

– A harsh truth you must deal with before ever taking a single supplement

– Thoughts on creatine

And more! I packed it all into one video, and I think you’re going to like it. Meantime, enjoy the rest of your weekend as always!



P.S. If you haven’t seen my previous video where I showed you every single thing I take in a day and why, then click here to watch that first. It’s definitely worth a look.

P.P.S. If you want to take the exact same supplements that I take, you can get them all here. I’d never recommend anything to my viewers that I don’t personally take myself and can vouch for the safety of what’s in them.