Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

You know when a job is so big that it requires help from a higher power to figure it all out or get it done?  Well, unfortunately, with the state of the current fitness industry…trying to tackle a blog dealing with the myths and untruths in the that plague it seemed like a monumental task to me.

So big in fact that I felt that I had to bring in a little help.  Enter my faithful companion….MR. X. NO…..not that Mr. X!  That’s the title given to YOU, the one who achieves the greatest transformation following the AthLEAN-X program (as did the first winner Ben May).


No, I’m talking about a true Mr. X.  A man without a name…but very much in need of one! See that guy to the left?  Who is it?  Yes, I know he looks like me, but consider him instead sort of my alter ego.

This “Mr. X” is going to be the guy who lifts the lid off (often in a humorous way) the fitness industry from time to time to point out a few of the things that bothers him (me) and things I’m sure you can relate to.  The hope is to make the industry a better place by getting some of the garbage cleaned up and the myths demystified! Sound good? Ok cool.

BUT…I can’t start until our friend over here has a name.  So let’s hear what you’ve got.  The chosen winner will receive a copy of the BRAND NEW AthLEAN-X TNT Deltoid Detonation Workout to be released later this week!!  Figured that would get your creative minds working.

Looking forward to hearing what you come up with and then hearing what our friend over there has on his mind.  Rumor is….first thing he wanted to talk about was the ‘CHEAT DAY’ myth! You’re not going to want to miss this one, since getting this wrong can mean the difference between being ripped…and simply ripped off in the pursuit of your AthLEAN body!  Stay tuned!

Stay Strong,


PS.  Remember…the winner of the “name this guy to the left” contest receives a limited edition copy of the BRAND NEW AthLEAN-X TNT Deltoid Detonation workout before it is released later this week!  How cool is that?!?  Put those creative minds to work and let the best man win!