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Have you been looking for an MMA Workout to propel you to the elite level of the sport? Read on to see what can be achieved with the right weapon in your MMA Workout arsenal.

ATHLEAN-X™…the MMA Workout of choice of Duran!

TEAM ATHLEAN (creator of the ultimate MMA Workout) is excited to announce the impressive victory of one of our own. Reuben Duran made his second UFC appearance and stopped his opponent, Francisco Rivera, with a deadly rear naked choke at 1:53 of the third round! What’s the secret behind his early success in the UFC? Reuben has been training with the AthLEAN-X training system as his MMA Workout for about a year now and credits the “bulletproof” approach to muscle growth and explosive training for keeping him injury free while working out harder than ever in preparation for his entry into the elite fighting circle…the UFC.

The Secret To SuXXess Inside The Octagon…His MMA Workout!

In his words… “The short intense workouts allow me to get all my strength training in so I can spend more time on my wrestling, Jui Jitsu and striking… I’m stronger than ever now, and more flexible…” What drew Reuben to AthLEAN-X over all other MMA Workout programs out there was AthLEAN-X’s focus on unstable training.

Unlike most MMA Workouts, AthLEAN-X never ignores the fact that there is an athlete in all of us (our “inner athlete” as we like to call it!) that demands that your workouts not only get you stronger but that they challenge your whole body in ways you’ve never experienced before! By tapping into far more than just strength training….A-X has shown that you CAN train for flexibility, fat loss, dynamic athleticism, muscle growth, explosive strength and power…at ONCE! (and in Reuben’s case…leaving him with more time to get others to tap out!)MMA Workout

The elusive combo of quickness and fierce power that Reuben got from AthLEAN-X have allowed him to break into, and CRUSH, in the most elite fighting organization in the world… just think of what Athlean-X can do for you!


Is AthLEAN In You?

Whether you’re fighting in the octagon, prepping for the football field in the Fall or just trying to stay fit while navigating the concrete jungle, AthLEAN-X is not only the best MMA Workout available but the ultimate training solution for building powerful, functional strength and ripped muscularity. Join us in congratulating Reuben Duran on his victory. …and JOIN TEAM ATHLEAN today to start working on your own victories with the ultimate MMA Workout!! BECOME PART OF TEAM ATHLEAN-X BY CLICKING HERE

Stay Strong…


P.S. If you’re ready to not only REACH your fitness goals but DESTROY them on your way to an entirely different level of expectations (yes…you can finally HAVE that 6 pack stomach guys!) then become part of the team and START YOUR ATHLEAN-X BODY RECONSTRUXION BY CLICKING HERE!

P.P.S.. Don’t forget to leave your own congratulatory comment for Reuben below or comment on his MMA Workout in the video!