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In case you haven’t heard already….TEAM ATHLEAN has just gotten stronger…A LOT stronger! If it’s possible to add the strength of an atomic bomb with just one individuals fist….we just did that!  Welcome up and coming MMA Star Reuben “DestruXion” Duran to the team.

As if his picture alone doesn’t provide enough proof of his dedication to physical preparation, all it takes is one look at his highlight video to understand that Reuben is the epitome of everything “ATHLEAN”.

With lightning quick hands, relentless determination, agility unmatched by ANY of his competitors, and a power that defies his size…Reuben is definitely one of the most feared people to ever step inside the cage and now a proud member of our team. If you haven’t heard of him….trust me, you will!  If you haven’t seen him in action yet….you HAVE to! Check this out:


Yes….that is what “DestruXion” would look like if it were human! TEAM ATHLEAN indeed is stronger today than it was yesterday thanks to Reuben’s addition.  The question now becomes…how strong will it become?  There’s no telling.  With Hollywood celebrities, Professional Athletes, Fortune 500 CEO’s, MMA Fighters, Formula One Race Car Drivers, and S.W.A.T. teams among the members already, I would say….can it get any stronger?!?

The answer is YES!  Stay tuned. In the meantime, would you like to join the team yourself?? There’s never been a better time than today.  Join the AthLEAN-X Training Team now and get the limited time bonus “EZ EATING OUT EQUATION”! Learn how to eat out ANYWHERE and still get ripped!  It’s my secrets for overcoming Dining Out Destruction!