Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

BREAKING NEWS: Today, the United States Army has FINALLY decided that it’s time for a change in the way they test the fitness levels of their soldiers! Situps, pushups and the 2 mile run just aren’t enough anymore to produce “combat ready” soldiers in their opinion…and I COULDN’T AGREE MORE!

The NEW US Army Combat Readiness Test

The new “Combat Readiness Test” is borrowing from the principles that have set AthLEAN-X Training apart from the “other” fitness programs. Just as seated leg extensions, concentration curls, and traditional crunches deserve to be retired from “traditional” strength training programs since they lack any shred of functional carryover (and because of this…effective muscle strengthening benefits), the US Army feels that an overhaul of their similarly ineffective test is in order.

Gone are the straight forward (and may I add…BORING!) 2 mile run and crunches and taking their place are the following:

  • Running on a balance beam while carrying 30 pound canisters of ammunition in each hand!
  • Vaulting over obstacles while carrying a rifle!
  • Dragging a weighted sled with 180 pounds of sandbags on it!

While maintaining the more X-plosive elements of the previous test:

  • The 60 yard Sprinting Shuttle Run
  • The Standing Long Jump
  • And 1 MINUTE of pushups (as recently featured on my YOUTUBE channel.)

Far More Explosive, Athletic and Functional

The bottom line is…if I had a choice to fill my ranks with guys that have been trained using the old test or the new test, I wouldn’t have to hesitate even one second. I’d go to battle with the NEW soldiers any day of the week! They’re more physically resourceful, explosive, athletic, functional, versatile, and dare I say….ATHLEAN?!?

I’ve been saying it for quite some time…but it bears repeating again in lieu of this news, and that is…

You can either train your body the way it was MEANT TO BE trained (which is Effectively, Efficiently, and Explosively)…or…you can train some other way. If you want to “BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE” however…I think you know which is which!  TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK

…Good move or bad move to make this switch! Add your comment below!

Stay Strong….
