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One of the most frustrating things that most people will face if they’ve worked out the same way for any length of time (greater than 1-2 months) is the tendency to fall into a rut and see muscle building and/or fat loss come to a screeching halt! You know what I’m talking about…because you’re either experiencing it now or have at some point in your training. It’s the dreaded “PLATEAU”.


What’s ironic is that because it’s so common, it has earned the “PLATEAU” description and in some weird way almost becomes an acceptable reason for why you aren’t getting the results you deserve to for all your hard work. It’s not much different than the word “genetics” as it relates to the ONLY reason you’re big (or not)…fat (or ripped). Truth be told. They are both excuses!


As you’ll see in the case of “TEAM ATHLEAN” member Henrik Andersson, he didn’t believe in PLATEAUS…wasn’t about to blame genetics…none of that. Instead he worked hard each and every workout, followed A-X as if it was religion, and was rewarded with progress from literally his first to his last workout.

When was that last workout? Well yesterday. You see…Henrik is STILL following ATHLEAN-X almost a year after his first round of the program? Why? Because it KEEPS WORKING. When I designed A-X I set out to create a program that could truly be a LIFETIME program option for my followers.

With built in challenges (to ensure that whoever is doing the program constantly HAS to push themselves in order to test higher than they did at a previous point in the program) and rules in place that will constantly push you to new strength levels on virtually every lift, it became not only possible to do this but to do it with an effectiveness that hasn’t been accomplished in those other programs that often leave you looking for something else just weeks later.

Henrik shows that with the right plan…anything is possible. Most of all, he shows that with a plan that balances “REST AND RECOVERY” with intense but brief workouts…anything is probable! Stop feeling as if “plateaus” and “genetics” are acceptable reasons for not getting results from every single workout you do.

Start seeing how “training like an athlete” can unlock your true potential, and allow you to put away the excuses forever. Welcome to ATHLEAN-X Training. I look forward to featuring your pictures in this very blog just 90 days from now! Get started on your ATHLEAN-X transformation for 2012. To be featured in this blog simply upload your before and after testimonials here. We look forward to hearing about your suXXess with ATHLEAN-X.