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ben may reconstruxion


Picking up where we left off the other day…recently crowned “Mr. X” of the Year, Ben May and I sat down to answer ALL of YOUR questions. The interview continues today with Ben discussing:

– Which supplements he chose to use (and felt worked their magic) and which he avoided during his 90 day journey!

– His tactics for overcoming any perceived challenges of not having access to some of the USA specific items in the meal plans.

– His #1 tip for building lean muscle that YOU CAN USE in your next workout that he credits for his major suXXess on the program.

– How he managed any alcohol intake (and not letting it get in the way of his results) while on the program!

– And more!

You can watch it all right here by clicking on the video below.  Remember, as these are fairly large videos…please give it a few seconds to load.



Be sure to catch Part III of the “MR. X” Interview coming up on Friday and stay tuned for an exciting announcement at the end! If you’re not already part of TEAM ATHLEAN you’re going to want to do so to be part of this!

You can join today by picking up your copy of the hottest fitness training program in the world right now! Check out what the AthLEAN-X Training System can do for you by CLICKING HERE.  Join not only “Mr. X”, but also MMA superstars, NFL players, MLB players, professional underwear models (yep…very true!) and SWAT Team members have used to build ripped, athletic muscle while maintaining explosiveness and athleticism.

Til Then…. Stay Strong,
