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It’s not often that I find myself in a chain restaurant…but hey, it does happen.  The best part about it is, “I Ain’t Scared!”  Seriously, all kidding aside, I am confident that I can walk into any restaurant on the planet and find SOMETHING that I can eat that will not only NOT destroy what I’ve been trying to accomplish all along with my hard effort in the gym…..and that will actually HELP me to continue the muscle building and fat burning efforts!

I know you probably think I’m crazy.


My Foolproof Plan for a Muscle Building Meal ANYWHERE

Lots of you out there reading this will practically have nightmares about the thought of having to eat out for a family dinner, a business meeting, or a casual get together with friends.  You’ve been working your butt off sticking to the AthLEAN-X workouts and your “diet” is locked in with the incredibly easy to follow X-Factor Meal Plans…and you just know that one trip to OUTBACK may be enough to sink the ship (or at least get it way off course!).

And I’m saying it doesn’t have to be like that AT ALL….as long as you’ve got a plan.  A simple, fool proof step by step plan for avoiding DINING OUT DESTRUXION as I like to call it.

I follow my own plan every time I go out to eat.  I’ll take a menu full of choices and narrow it down to the ONLY things on it that I can eat.  Well, guess how many that was at good old Applebee’s?  One?  Three?  Seven??  NO.  Try 31 meals are actually what I would call “AthLEAN Acceptable”! Bet you didn’t think it would even be close to that!  You can’t tell me that you can’t find SOMETHING out of those 31 meal choices right?!?


Get the EZ Eating Out Equation!

So what is this plan?  Anyone who purchases the AthLEAN-X Training System right now will receive the limited time “EZ Eating Out Equation”! It’s my fool proof method that I use EVERY time I go out to eat and it helps me to always be able to eat something that not only tastes good but actually is good to my body and doesn’t get me off track on my way to ATHLEAN!

So as you head out to eat this weekend, eat with confidence and don’t sweat it!  Leave the sweating for the gym!  Get the “EZ Eating Out Equation” with your purchase of AthLEAN-X for a limited time only! When it’s gone….it’s gone forever!

Stay Strong,
