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What’s up everyone? As you know, I’m very much a big fan of feedback and taking the requests that YOU…my loyal TEAM ATHLEAN members want to hear more, see more (or even see LESS of….you know who you are out there dissing my youtube intros!) or learn more about.

As you can imagine, the popularity of the Supplement Code Breaker was enormous and that tells me one thing… You want more information about SUPPLEMENTS! Well, you asked and I listened (trust me…I listened in a BIG BIG way, more on that to come!) and decided to bring to you a 5 part series here on the blog about what I feel are the TOP 5 BIGGEST PROBLEMS WITH SUPPLEMENTS TODAY! Over the next week I’m going to cover what I feel have become either misconceptions or untruths (that have taken on a life of their own), ingredients that may or may not be worth the hype (and can even be harming you!), why navigating through a supplement store these days WILL make your head spin faster than if Angelina Jolie walked by you in a bikini, and finally a BIG announcement when we countdown to number 1 that I’m sure will make gains (and lives) easier than ever before!

With that said, let’s make this week a lively one here on the blog! I’ll write. You comment. I’ll respond. Simple, fun, interactive! Stay tuned tomorrow for the first of the BIG 5 PROBLEMS WITH SUPPLEMENTS. I’m sure it’s going to resonate with almost every single one of you!

Stay Strong,
