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Don’t know about you, but the level of fitness some female celebrities are able to maintain just amazes me!  I often wonder how they don’t totally burn out while maintaining a busy filming schedule, attending events, traveling, chasing kids and managing to stay dedicated to a fitness and nutrition plan.

While it’s true that many celebs can afford to hire traveling personal trainers and personal chefs to help make sure they’re eating healthy, it’s definitely not as easy as we may think for these stars to stay healthy.  We’ve seen some celebrities that seem to take off and put back on same few pounds over and over again.  For other female stars it can be a challenge to shed the post-pregnancy weight, as it is for almost any woman.

This article celebrates those famous women who always manage to stay in incredible shape. These aren’t skinny waifs, but rather women who dedicate themselves to putting time in at the gym, and who stay committed to healthy nutrition.  Most of them are moms and many are also over 40!

It’s so refreshing to see that our idea of ‘beauty’ is changing away from stick thin and toward strong and healthy! Let’s have a look at 10 celebrities who in 2013 are definitely looking their best!

Jessica Alba

jessica alba workoutAlba was spotted on the beach in this bikini last week in St. Barts.  And boy is it ever hard to believe she’s a mom of two!  She’s got perfectly flat abs and toned legs and arms to boot!  Jessica loves to cook and helps keep slim by making up her own healthy recipes.  She’s passionate about all-natural ingredients in her recipes and uses absolutely nothing artificial!


pink workoutPink definitely has one of the most ripped, athletic figures in the music biz, and it goes well with her tough girl personality.  We can tell that this hot mommy juggles her responsibilities to make time for sculpting this fit body.  Anyone would have to super work hard for those abs!

Halle Berry

halle berry workoutI don’t know how she does it!  Halle Berry at 45 years old looks absolutely incredible!  She keeps fit by using strength training and cardio circuits that take only 25 minutes a day (pretty similar to Athlean-XX for Women)! If you pay attention to celebrity news, you may have heard her recent announcement that she’s pregnant again!  Somehow I know she’ll bounce back fast, since Halle Berry is one star who’s definitely committed to her health and fitness.

Jennifer Lopez

jennifer lopez workoutFor those of us ladies with a natural tendency toward curves, we know it can be a challenge to stay looking firm and toned.  Jennifer maintains her incredible physique with strength training moves that include differing variations of squats and lunges.  These keep her butt and legs looking fabulous!


rihanna workoutRihanna is on the road a ton, and is one of those celebs who has to work out on the go to keep her body lean and fit.  While she’s traveling, she commits to at least three workouts a week at 25 minutes day.  She eats 5 meals per day that have a healthy mix of protein, fiber, healthy carbs and fats.  Our Athlean-XX for Women program recommends a similar nutrition profile: 5 – 6 small nutritious meals per day, and short effective 30 minute circuit workouts.

Kate Hudson

kate hudsonHere’s another mom of two who has managed to maintain an incredible figure.  Kate stays fit using a mix of dance-based workouts and strength training.  Like Rihanna, she also follows a nutrition plan featuring 5 meals per day with lots of lean protein to stay full and help build lean muscle tone. 

Gwen Stefani

gwen stefani workoutThis sexy rock star has always been known for her incredible core.  At 42 years old, this mom hasn’t slowed back her workout routine and she still has the abs to show for it.  To stay fit, Gwen does weightlifting workouts and she spends her leisure time chasing her kids, skiing and power walking.


madonna workoutNo list of fit celebrities would be complete without mention of Madonna.  Madge has always been committed to her fitness, and even more so it seems as she’s gotten older.  The 54 year old includes a great deal of strength training in her routine to stay so ripped and sexy.  Hope I look so good at her age!

Cameron Diaz

cameron diaz workoutAt 40 years old, Cameron looks amazing.  She’s got toned legs and cut, athletic arms that show she’s working hard at her fitness goals.  Cameron does strength training and Pilates to keep her figure looking toned and strong.

Jessica Biel

jessica biel workoutJessica achieves her lovely physique by doing circuit training and by keeping active outdoors.  She loves walking her dog, biking or taking a run outside.  In 2010, Jessica actually ascended Mount Kilimanjaro!  Talk about fitness goals!!

Notice any themes in the workout and nutrition habits of these stars?  Nobody starves herself or spends 2 hours per day at the gym.  All of these celebrities weight train a few times per week, and many do short 25 to 30 minute circuit training workouts similar to Athlean-XX for Women.  Rather than resorting to dietary restriction, many of these healthy celebs eat 5 small meals per day, just like we recommend in our Athlean-XX nutrition plan!

It’s true…you can get lean and fit like these famous ladies with shorter, more effective workouts and by eating more frequently throughout the day.  Come check out Athlean-XX for Women…we’ve got your get-lean plan all mapped out for you!

And finally, if you’d like to stay up to date with the blog, then please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and follow us on Pinterest.

P.S.  We are a growing community dedicated to and passionate about realistic fitness and nutrition for REAL women.  If you enjoyed this post please feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It would be incredibly appreciated.