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While we might not quite be ready for summer and the warm weather to be over, there’s one thing that always makes us look forward to Fall.  Harvest time brings some incredible flavors that give us the warm fuzzies just thinking about it!

Now that much of the fresh fruit of summer is on its way out, are you thinking smoothie season is over?  Not so!   There are plenty of incredible fall flavors that make amazing smoothies that taste like dessert.  Only they’re much healthier than dessert!  These are perfect if you’re looking to get more protein, fruits or greens in your diet, and they’re also great for tricking the kids into eating healthy!  Make your kiddos a smoothie before school or pack it into the thermos for lunch!

If you want more protein in these smoothies, don’t hesitate to add a Vanilla flavored protein powder to any of them – vanilla always makes things taste better!  Head to the farmers market to buy fresh fall produce and then fire up the blender!


Pumpkin Pie Shake from

pumpkin pie smoothie

Using Greek yogurt, oats, pumpkin puree and spice, Steph has whipped up an incredibly delectable smoothie shake that is perfect pre or post workout.  It really does taste like you’re eating pumpkin pie, but without the sugar and fat!

Click Here for Full Recipe


Blueberry Green Smoothie from


Summer’s winding down but there are still a few fresh blueberries on the supermarket shelves.  But this recipe works great with frozen blueberries too!  Linda Wagner helps us sneak our spinach into this incredibly tasty smoothie.  She recommends using the over-ripe spotted bananas for smoothies – you can even peel them and freeze them to use later!

Click Here for Full Recipe


Apple Pie Smoothie from

This tasty fall recipe requires you to bake the apples for 5 minutes before blending, but it will be worth it!  The recipe does include sugar, but I substituted a tiny bit of honey which I think gave it even more fall flavor!

Click Here for Full Recipe


Kale Spinach and Pear Smoothie from

pear kale smoothie


With apple season also comes pear season, so this smoothie is one of my Fall favorites.  Spinach and banana sweeten up this incredibly healthy antioxidant-packed green smoothie!

Click Here for Full Recipe

Iron Woman Gingerbread Smoothie from


This smoothie is called the ‘iron woman’ because it’s packed with iron – a key nutrient many women are deficient in.  The iron in this smoothie comes from an unlikely ingredient – molasses.  Says OhSheGlows, molasses contains 7 mg of iron, 350 mg of calcium, 1000 mg of potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium and copper.  That’s one nutrient packed food!

Click Here for Full Recipe


Butternut Squash Smoothie by

The squash in this smoothie recipe is spiced with ginger and cinnamon, two of my favorite fall flavors.  Sweeten it up just a bit with vanilla protein powder or add in dates or stevia!

Click Here for Full Recipe


 Cranberry Smoothie from

 cranberry smoothie

Cranberries are amazing antioxidants that have urinary tract and digestive benefits.  Combine them here with cashews and almond milk and you’ve got a healthy protein smoothie!

Click Here for Full Recipe


 Almond, Date and Vanilla Smoothie from

The author of makes her own almond milk and uses the pulp leftover from it to make this smoothie.  If that’s too much for you, you can purchase and use ground almonds or grind them yourself.  Greek yogurt, flaxseed, egg whites (optional) and protein powder make this a super tasty protein shake!

Click Here for Full Recipe


Carrot Cake Smoothie from

Lexie’s Kitchen is a dream come true for anyone with gluten, dairy and/or egg intolerance.   All of her recipes are free of all three!  This smoothie is a dream too – it includes carrot, walnuts, milk and cinnamon and really does taste like carrot cake!

Click Here for Full Recipe

Sweet Potato Breakfast Smoothie from

sweet potato smoothie

Your children will love this smoothie for breakfast, which combines sweet potato, banana, spinach, honey, cinnamon, milk and vanilla!

Click Here for Full Recipe


As Fall nears, take the opportunity to indulge in the wonderful produce in season during this time of year.  Freeze berries, cubed cooked squash, potatoes and pumpkin to keep making these great smoothie recipes well into the winter months.  Hope you enjoy trying these new Fall smoothies as much as I did!  My kids loved them too!

At Athlean-XX for Women, we’re all about healthy nutrition because it helps us lose weight and have energy for our tough workouts!  Our nutrition plan recommends combining proteins and slow-burning carbohydrates at every meal and snack to help keep you feeling full.  In fact, the Athlean-XX for Women nutrition plan is anything but a diet – we actually recommend you eat more – 5 – 6 times per day!  This type of diet will help turn your metabolism into a fat burning machine – when combined with our killer 30 minute workouts.  Yes, with Athlean-XX for Women, eat more, exercise shorter but harder and weigh less!  Join us on Team Athlean to start your lifestyle makeover now!

And finally, if you’d like to stay up to date with the blog, then please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and follow us on Pinterest.

P.S.  We are a growing community dedicated to and passionate about realistic fitness and nutrition for REAL women.  If you enjoyed this post please feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It would be incredibly appreciated 🙂