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Ladies, it’s time to celebrate the incredible accomplishment of one of our own!  Congratulations to the winner of our first Ms. XX Contest and the $1000 SpaFinder Gift Card…Alicia Overmiller!

ms xx contest winner


 We’re so excited to unveil her transformation, and share what she has to say about her SuXXess with Athlean-XX for Women!

Alicia is an elementary school teacher and the mom of two little girls, aged 1 and 3, so her life is definitely hectic! She’s found that the short 30 minute Athlean-XX workouts fit perfectly into her schedule.

30 minute workouts sound good to you? Click here

But, the best part about this transformation? Alicia and her husband have inspired each other!

Alicia says that a little over a year ago she watched as her husband began using the Athlean X program and transformed his mind, body, eating, and life. Next thing she knew, he’d bought her the Athlean-XX for Women program for their 7 year wedding anniversary.


Alicia says:

“After using it for a little less than a year, I am thrilled with the results. I feel like I finally have my pre-baby body back. (my husband says it’s even better now!). But more than that, I am living healthier, making good choices about what I put into my body and how I treat myself.

I have two beautiful daughters looking up to me; my husband and I have to set the kind of example for them that we want them to live out. We have so much to live for!”


How amazing is it that this couple decided to get fit TOGETHER and model a healthy lifestyle to their little girls!

Alicia, you and your husband totally INSPIRE US!


You’ve earned it!



P.S. We’ll be sharing Alicia’s story on our Facebook page. Please join us in Congratulating her on her SuXXess!

Are you ready to start your journey to transformation like Alicia did? You can make incredible progress in just 90 days on our Athlean-XX for Women program with effective 30 minute workouts and our flexible nutrition program.

Click here to get your lifestyle makeover started!

P.P.S. Need a virtual workout partner instead? We’ve got a Facebook group for women who are currently doing Athlean-XX for Women. We motivate each other, answer each others’ questions and track our workouts together. Join us on Team Athlean!