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If you’re like most women, you lead a very busy life on the go.  You’ve got a million things on your plate and you’re trying to take care of yourself and find balance in the process.  You’re short on time or rarely at home and have difficulty finding the time to manage your diet and fitness goals the way you wish you could.  Well, technology could be the answer!

Phone and android apps are revolutionizing the world of fitness, and many of them can help you get one step closer to your fitness and nutrition goals for a very nominal price or even FREE.  They can help you track your workouts, find healthier eating options on the go, help you keep an easy food diary, or incorporate a little yoga or Pilates into your exercise routine without the expense and time commitment of taking a class in a studio.  Here’s a look 10 of our favorite apps for nutrition and fitness for women!



1) GoodFoodNearYou – For Healthy Eating On the Go

It’s not always easy to find healthy options on the go or while traveling – but GoodFoodNearYou is designed exactly for this purpose. Based on your physical location tracked by GPS, this app will tell you nearby grocery stores, convenience stores and restaurants along with a list of healthy menu items for each.  Once you choose a place, the GPS will guide you there.

2) CleanPlates – Find Healthy Restaurants for Special Diets

If you’ve got special dietary needs or choose to follow a specific diet for health reasons, this is the app for you.  It can help you find healthy options that suit your nutrition needs wherever you go.  Find restaurants, delis and cafes nearby to suit gluten free diets, paleo diets, vegetarian and vegan diets, or preferences for natural meats, naturally sweetened treats or even raw foods.  The only hitch – for now it only includes New York City, Los Angeles and Austin, but they’re planning to add more new cities in the future!

3) MyFitnessPal – Food Journal and Exercise Tracker

While we don’t advocate calorie counting at Athlean-XX for Women, there are a variety of reasons that keeping track of the foods you eat and the workouts you do can help keep you on track to your goals.  MyFitnessPal’s got it all – the biggest food database out there and a great database of exercise as well.  While we encourage you NOT to focus on the calories, you can use an diary app like this one to help you reach goals of always eating breakfast, eating 5 – 6 times per day as we recommend at Athlean-XX, drink adequate water each day and log your workouts.

4) Whole Foods Market Recipe App – Healthy Recipes Including for Special Diets

If you’re interested in cooking with natural, healthy ingredients, the Whole Foods Recipe app is the way to go – whether you shop there or not.  It’s got options to help you find gluten free, dairy free, high fiber, low fat, vegetarian/vegan and even budget recipes.  It’ll help you put together a shopping list as well.  Unfortunately, this app is only available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, but it is free.

5) SparkRecipes Healthy Recipes

Available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, or Android via GooglePlay this app lets you search more than 300,000 healthy recipes by dietary needs, category, course, type of cuisine or occasion.  It provides complete nutrition information for each recipe as well.

6) Green Smoothies App – Smoothies by Ingredient

This app is cool because you can enter whatever smoothie ingredient you have lying around the fridge, and the app will give you smoothie recipes for it.  It also has mostly green smoothies (a combo of fruits and vegetables) so it’s a great way to get your veggies in.  It gives you nutrition data for each produce item and smoothie.  It’s available both on iPhone and Android.




7) RunKeeper Pro – For Walkers, Cyclers, Hikers or Runners

Like to walk, cycle or hike outdoors?  This app is NOT only for runners despite its name.  It’ll track the route, speed and even elevation of your walk, hike, bike or run via GPS, and automatically uploads your data to the database.  It’s a more versatile option than Nike+ which is only for runners and only compatible with 3G or 3GS iPhones.

8 ) iTreadmill – Use Your iPhone As a Pedometer

That’s right, this app will accurately track your steps, distance and average speed.  It’ll work in your pocket or purse and automatically pauses when you stop walking and restarts when you move again.  The old school pedometer has gone obselete!



9) YOGAmazing – Customizable Mini Yoga Classes On The Go

Looking to fit a little yoga into your routine without shelling out the big bucks for a studio membership or dedicating the 90 minutes for a full class?  This app is perfect for fitting yoga into a busy schedule, and also lets you experiment with different practice styles.  It’s got more than 25 mix and match mini classes which allow you to fully customize a practice on the go.  Available on iTunes and on Amazon for Android.

10) Pilates On The Go – Mat Exercises Only

This app is great for women trying to fit a little bit of Pilates into their busy schedule.  It contains more than 50 different exercise with descriptions of correct form – and none of these require equipment, making them perfect for travel or for doing Pilates just about anywhere!

Looking for a quick, super effective workout for your busy lifestyle?  Look no further.  Athlean-XX for Women offers you a challenging circuit strength routine and will build lean muscle and get your heart pumping cardio at the same time – in only 30 minutes per day!  Want to see what 30 minutes per day has done for other women in just 90 days?  Check out our Athlean-XX SuXXess StoriesWill you be neXXt?

And finally, if you’d like to stay up to date with the blog, then please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and follow us on Pinterest.

P.S.  We are a growing community dedicated to and passionate about realistic fitness and nutrition for REAL women.  If you enjoyed this post please feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It would be incredibly appreciated!