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As you guys may remember, a few weeks back I had AthLEAN-X Superstar Adam Jarvis in the XBOX for a 9 month follow up…and not only was he still maintaining his results from the program but he actually looked BETTER THAN EVER! Having been through the program 2 more times since the last time I saw him….not only was Adam still “AthLEAN”, but he was still growing and improving.  I decided to put him on the spot and told you out there that if you wanted to ask him ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL about his experience with the program or any troubles he might have had, overcome or still has (as it relates to the meal plans, workouts, etc)…then just fire away! You guys did! I took the most popular questions and challenged Adam to answer them.  

Below is a video we did to address your specific questions.  I realize that you guys like hearing from me and you find my advice helpful…but I do think there is a whole other level of value that can be gained when you hear from someone objective who is going through the program just like you are.  While I may do this for a living and have that motivation to keep myself in shape all the time…Adam certainly does not.  So getting his perspective is great and I’m glad I can share it with you here.  Enjoy and thanks to all who wrote in!

Stay tuned for more “Ask the AthLEAN All-Star” Episodes! Who knows?  Maybe it will be you sitting here next? The best way to ensure that is to get started on your own “BODY RECONSTRUXION” TODAY! CLICK HERE now and be 89 days closer tomorrow to your new AthLEAN body!  Will you be neXt?