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I mentioned a few days ago that I was traveling out to San Jose for work.

Well… Now you see what it’s been all about.

That’s right… Long time wrestling icon Sting is preparing to step into the ring for the biggest match in his career. Wrestlemania 31.

And we shot a quick video from the gym to pass along a short but very important training message.

Here it straight from Sting in this video… Sting-at-Wrestlemania-31-yt

What’s that you say? But isn’t wrestling “fake”? Having coached and trained some of the greatest athletes in the world I can tell you… There is nothing fake about the athleticism, strength, stamina and durability these guys need to entertain those that paid to watch them. Sting’s worked his ass off at the age of 56, and he’s more ready than ever My question is… Can you say the same thing about your training?



P.S. It’s been an honor and privilege to work with Sting. Never let his age tell him what he was “supposed” to be doing. Instead, he lets the things he IS doing make people forget about his age!