Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

As a physical therapist, there’s nothing I prioritize more than range of motion. After all; when you lose that… EVERY EXERCISE SUFFERS! Or does it??

Be sure to watch very early in the video. I make a BIG distinction that you are going to want to make sure you hear.  Too many people mix this up and it’s screwing up their gains. I’ll make it really easy to understand.

This is definitely going to be one of those questions that you’re going to want answered. Why? Because it effects literally every exercise that you do in your workouts. That’s pretty darn important!


P.S.  The key to any burning gym question is not just what the answer is, but WHY!  That’s when the real gains begin because you can make sure you avoid wasting workout time on bad methods.

Important: Full or Partial Range of Motion – Which is Best?

P.P.S.  As you’ll see in this video, the science of strength matters a lot when you are trying to see your fastest gains. If you want a step by step program to get you from where  you are to where you want to be with no wasted effort, then I invite you to let me coach you with the program best suited to your specific goals here…

Pick the program best suited to YOUR goals here and get your FASTEST results!