Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

Let’s play a little word association. If I mention the word “treadmill”, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Pick one that matches the closest.

a.) a great way to get your “cardio” in

b.) a BORING way to get your “cardio” in

c.) something to hang your dirty clothes on

d.) a CORE CRUSHING, UPPER BODY BLASTING piece of training equipment

upperbody treadmill workoutI’ll give you a minute.

What’s that? You “get” how people could pick any of the first three options, but think that option (d) must be a typo?? Nope….WATCH THIS BRAND NEW “BROKEN TREADMILL” WORKOUT NOW

If you’ve been following my stuff for any length of time you should probably know by now how I feel about the value (or LACK OF) from steady state long distance treadmill running!

In fact, my feelings on this serve as the basis for my complete opposite approach to cardio/conditioning training that you’ll find in the killer ATHLEAN BURST examples from ATHLEAN-X like the IronMan Workout, 10-31-11, Black Friday, and fan favorite “4 Minutes of Hell”

But did you know that it could also serve as an INCREDIBLE upper body and core trainer?!? Check Out My 6 NEW Exercises for the Treadmill NOW

IMPORTANT TAKE HOME MESSAGE and COOL NEW ADDITION TO ATHLEAN-X After watching this video I want you to think to yourself…”wow, I never knew I could use a treadmill to do THAT!”

As a matter of fact, I think you could insert any word into that sentence and find one of the most popular excuses for NOT doing or beginning a workout program…and that is….


“I can’t do _insert exercise_ because I don’t have __insert piece of equipment__” Which got me to thinking. If THAT is what’s holding YOU back from starting a workout program that could literally change not only your body but your life in the next 90 days, then I’m not doing my job!!

If you think because you don’t have the tubing, dumbbells, pullup bar, and bench or ball that are recommended to do ATHLEAN-X that you CAN’T do the program and will therefore continue to put off finally doing something to get in better shape…then I’m letting you down.

And I’m NOT going to allow that to be an excuse anymore!!

***** INTRODUCING….******

“The Replacements”  A brand new inclusion to the ATHLEAN-X Training System! Find out how to use common, every day household items or things you can pick up at Home Depot for pennies to overcome ANY lack of equipment that you may have!!

No exercise is off limits anymore…and more importantly neither is the thought of getting into your new “ATHLEAN” body just 90 days from now!

In the meantime, hang up those clothes that might be occupying your treadmill right now and get ready for one INTENSE total body treadmill challenge!

Stay Strong…


PS. Don’t have a treadmill? Don’t worry, you can STILL get the brand new “Replacements” X-clusive with your purchase of ATHLEAN-X and discover how to overcome NOT having a bar, a lot of weights, or even somewhere to do dips!

Get “The Replacements” with ATHLEAN-X NOW