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Do you have “Bulletproof” Biceps? What’s that? You’re not sure what “bulletproof” biceps even are?

Sadly, most people don’t…and honestly it’s not your fault. It’s a HUGE mistake that the majority of training programs and trainers out there are overlooking.


bulletproof bicepsAs a physical therapist I cringe every time I see a new “trainer” pop up out of nowhere on YouTube with no real world credentials (having only a few letters to throw after their name that they received at a weekend long certification course) that now feels qualified to tell you how to exercise!

It’s actually borderline criminal. It reminds me of the commercial with the guy dishing out medical advice and admitting…”I’m not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night” It’s ridiculous.

But I guess out of all bad things comes opportunity and from this I feel the responsibility falls squarely on me to help show you the RIGHT WAY to train…not only for results but to stay healthy at the same time!

It’s what I call BULLET PROOFING YOUR BODY and it’s what AthLEAN-X is all about! “Bullet Proof Your Body” with AthLEAN-X

When you train the way your body is biomechanically built to be trained not only do you NOT get those nagging aches that some other trainers or programs are leaving you with….BUT you actually GET BETTER RESULTS!!

That’s right. When you use “Bulletproof” Exercises and workouts you actually:

– Build muscle faster!

– Burn fat more efficiently

– Recover quicker from one workout to the next!

See what “Bulletproof” Training can do for you. build insane bicepsMake sure to leave your comments and share the video with your Facebook friends.

Stay Strong….
