Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

“How many pullups can you do?” Has anybody ever asked you that? It seems as if everyone wants to know two things…even the average guy who doesn’t even workout that much…

How many pushups and pullups can you do?

It’s the ultimate measure of strength. Moving your own bodyweight with ease (or NOT!)

pull up back building arsenalSomething we can all use to compare our strength to eachother.

WHAT IF YOUR ANSWER IS “NONE”?? Don’t worry, you wouldn’t be alone. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Nobody should be avoiding this incredible muscle builder simply because they don’t THINK they can do one.

I’ll show you how you can start doing them TODAY and start building your strength dramatically moving forward!

A focus of mine with AthLEAN-X is to do one thing. Help you get the “AthLEAN” physique that I know how to create. If you run into a roadblock along the way…it’s my job to be creative and help you around it.

Time to start pulling your own weight….literally!

Stay Strong,


PS. Have you been substituting other exercises into your program because you had a hard time with pullups? Let AthLEAN-X put you over the hurdle once and for all in time for Summer!