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Get 6 Pack Abs at home here: Week 8 of the “Home Abs Workout” Blitz is already here and its time to keep up your progress to ripped, chiseled, shredded, cut, “6 pack abs”. These are all words that you will be able to use to describe your new body and new “6 pack” stomach as you follow the AthLEAN-X workout system unique “6 pack ab workouts” and ab exercises to get you ready to step out onto the beach this year. This weeks series of ab exercises is designed to give you what I call the Summer Beach Body. A summer beach body is one that requires you to get in top shape with a minimal time investment.


With the Home Abs Workout Blitz you literally are over and done with this workout in just 5-10 minutes. That’s what I call a minimal time commitment! That said, just because you’re not spending hours in the gym it doesn’t mean that you can’t get an impressive set of abs. By doing ab exercises that stress your body in unique ways you can expect more out of this abs workout than any you’ve done before. Building on that principle…would you expect Jeff Cavaliere’s AthLEAN-X 90 day training program to be any different? It delivers the same results that today’s top athletes and actors use to get ready for each game and new role. You deserve the same. Get ripped. Get in top shape. Get an athletic looking body. Get AthLEAN-X.