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Last week, in my regular YouTube video I decided to do something a little different.

I invited YOU to ask a question in the “comments” area below the video and said that whatever the most “thumbed up” comment was…that I would answer it for you this week. Well…ask and you shall receive!

As you’ll see, Michail had a VERY COMMON question and one that seems to trip up A LOT of guys on their way to “six pack dreams”!

eating healthy on the goI’ve said it before…getting your nutrition right is about 70% of the equation when building ripped muscle and an athletic body.  But everyone KNOWS that. DOING it is an entirely separate thing!

THE SECRET TO SINGLE DIGIT BODY FAT. You may be the type of person that has read every single magazine article, visited every online forum, or even tried other workout programs that were supposedly going to make you ripped or help you build muscle.

AND STILL NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET LASTING LONG TERM RESULTS! And that’s for one reason….trying to follow a meal plan that requires measuring, calorie counting, major food restrictions, or eating “bird size” portions is a GUARANTEED LONG TERM WASTE OF TIME if you’re a typical guy.

Sure you might have the determination and will power to deprive yourself for a few days or even a couple weeks, but not forever.

Single digit body fat levels come from CONSISTENCY. It’s the reason I shoot every one of my videos in real time every week…so you can see that my body fat doesn’t fluctuate. It’s the same 24/7/365.

ENTER THE ATHLEAN-X FACTOR MEAL PLANThe 5 “measure free” options in this week’s video answer are only a few of the 30+ “go-to” snacks from my ATHLEAN-X program!

PLUS…You get the same ridiculously good tasting, FAST TO PREPARE, measuring-free plan for 90 days of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and HOT SUPPLEMENTATION TIPS and SCHEDULES

MY PROMISE If you’ve seen any of my videos you know that I always try to make everything I show you not only effective…but SIMPLE! Nutrition should be no different.

Hope to see you benefiting from the best meal plan you’ve ever followed (and the most popular workouts going right now) in the next 90 days. I’ve got a spot for you waiting on “TEAM ATHLEAN”!



PS. Did you know you can ruin an ENTIRE workout by what you eat before or after that workout?? That is a lot of potentially wasted time and effort! But it doesn’t have to be that way.


– Step by Step 90 Day Meal Plan and Workout Program – Over 100+ Fat Burning / Muscle Building Meals – 60 Unique workouts direct from the ranks of Today’s Top Professional Athletes – Supplementation Strategies (with proper timing for best results!)