Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

If you’ve been watching my videos for any length of time you probably know who Jesse is. That’s right, our resident, lovable “hardgainer”!

Or is he?

In this video, Jesse reveals the 6 biggest lessons he learned that he has applied to his back training that have created his noticeable gains!

No matter what your experience level is you too will be able to benefit. This is definitely going to help a lot of people. In fact… I think even Jesse had a “lightbulb moment” in this one that may change the way he  trains in 2019!

Haha, Jesse…Jesse…Jesse!


P.S.  There is always something that can be learned by even the most experienced of lifters.  It’s these “game changers” that often unlock the key to what seemed like halted gains.  There are 6 in this one video!

6 Keys to Getting a Bigger, Wider Back Fast

P.P.S.  If you’re looking to benefit from step by step workouts and meal plans that take all the guesswork out of it, I’d love to have the opportunity to train you like I do my pro athletes.  Just click to get started…

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