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I have a saying I use with my athletes…It goes like this. “If you workout too much with pulleys…You’re not as strong as you think you are!” Think of all the exercises you might be doing that use them.

Lat Pulldowns
Tricep Pushdowns
Cable Rows
Cable Crossovers
Cable Curls Etc…

cable-pulley-machines-weak-muscles-ytAre you costing yourself serious gains?  As you know…I like to put the science back in strength.  No B.S.  To help you get the most out of every workout you do.

Well…Time to rely on Physics once again to get you maximizing your hard work!  Hope you find this helpful and maybe even eye opening!



P.S. ATHLEAN-X has become the choice workout of today’s top elite professional athletes in all major sports because of our commitment to no fluff, science backed, results driven workouts. If you want to start training like an athlete…and looking like one…it’s time you make the same choice!

Click here to train like an athlete (get the edge over everyone still training like a meathead!)