Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat.

You DON’T need to do tons of ab exercises to make it a workout. Actually… If you choose wisely… You can crush your entire core with just a single exercise!

See my complete home abs and obliques workout here (Just a single all-in-one exercise!)

home-abs-and-obliques-workout-ytThis one move allows you to blitz your core in 5 ways

1. Your lower abs will sizzle

2. Your obliques will be overloaded

3. You’ll build core stability

4. You’ll develop crucial anti-rotational strength

5. You’ll build transitional core strength

See this awesome ab exercise (perfect for home too!)

Stop thinking that a “workout” has to either be long or packed with lots of exercises to be effective Sometimes… You can get the job done in as little as one move. This one does just that!



P.S. The ATHLEAN-X Training System actually comes with over 125 unique ab exercises to keep your core covered throughout the 90 day program. While I’m helping you to build 100% athletic muscle from head to toe, I make sure to get pay lots of attention to the middle since I know just how important it is to all your strength and lifting gains. The core is literally at the core of everything we do. Get unlimited ab workouts (killer shuffle feature) built right in to every workout => AX Training System Here