Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes


1. An alternative route that is shorter than the one usually taken.

2. An accelerated way of doing something

Based on the very definition of the word…when applied to fitness there is no greater demand for shortcuts than for the FASTEST “Way To Get a Ripped 6 Pack”!

shortcuts 6 pack absBlame the warmer weather approaching in most parts of the world. Blame the covers of fitness magazines that obsess over the abs. Or just blame the fact that a strong 6 Pack Stomach has become synonymous with being fit!

Whatever the case…my job isn’t to nail down the reason…but to help YOU get yours as quickly as possible! That said, I present to you my “Top 13 Shortcuts to 6 Pack Abs”

Using training secrets, ab exercise tweaks, nutrition tips and special food ingredients that amp up your fat burning efforts….I’ve compiled them all into a killer 13 point attack to get those abs showing FAST!

Watch my 13 POINT AB ATTACK! That said, you may be asking yourself what good is a 6 pack if the rest of your body looks underdeveloped or lacks any impressive muscle??

Good question. That’s where the ATHLEAN-X SYSTEM comes in.

For less than what you’d pay for a handful of men’s fitness magazines (which always seem to conveniently republish the same old workouts over and over again) you can get the AthLEAN-X Training System which has already helped 1000’s of guys from hardgainers to soft bodies turn into athletic, fat burning, muscle building machines…with a REAL PRO ATHLETE TRAINER guiding the way!


Enjoy your weekend!

Stay Strong…


PS. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t wish I knew what I do NOW when I think about how many years I trained the wrong way! Wow…I wasted a lot of reps! Now, with AthLEAN-X you don’t have to do the same!

Fast Track Your Body ReconstruXion HERE