Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Whether you’re a competitive athlete or just a weekend warrior…either you or someone you know has suffered from A TORN ACL! Did you know? There are things you can do to really speed up your recovery. Check them out here

Think leg extensions are good? Think again. See my favorite leg exercise for a fast recovery. Good even if you never hurt your ACL.

ACL-Tear-Rehab-and-Exercise-YTThis particular video is a bit of a departure from our norm…BUT It gives me a chance to put on my physical therapist hat and help a lot of guys who’ve dealt with this AND it’s an issue particularly close to home at the moment.

You’ll see why in the video.

Hope you find it helpful injured or not!



P.S. It’s here more than anywhere that I think the ATHLEAN-X Training Program separates itself from everyone else. As a pro athlete physical therapist and strength coach…I can show you how to build ripped, athletic muscle much faster than most, and…I can show you how to do it safely!

Click here to start training like an athlete (while I coach you every step of the way!)