Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

I see it all the time… How one slight adjustment in how you perform an exercise can make all the difference in the world towards the results you see!

One of the biggest examples?? “THE TRAPS TRAP”

avoid this shoulder training mistakeNot only is this one of the most common exercises that people do when they hit the gym to train their shoulders…but it’s probably the most MISPERFORMED exercises they do! (until now)


If you take nothing else away from this video I want to be sure you do pay attention to this… Exercises on paper DO NOT make a workout program!!! In order for a workout to actually produce results quickly and without plateaus…there are a few MUST-HAVE requirements.

These are: ==========

1. Proper exercise form (as you can see from this week’s video – it can make ALL the difference)

2. The perfect balance of hard training and rest (without this you will SURELY overtrain!)

3. A science backed reason for how you train (just doing exercises because they look cool won’t help you to reach optimal muscle development)

With ATHLEAN-X you’ll get all of the above! You see, when I designed ATHLEAN-X I set out to create a SYSTEM (NOT just a bunch of exercises thrown on paper!)

When you become part of “TEAM ATHLEAN” you get not only the exact amount of exercise you should be doing to see results but you learn HOW to perform them CORRECTLY for best results and WHEN to stop doing them to avoid overtraining.

It’s truly a SYSTEM (including the same attention to detail on the meal plans as well!) It’s time to escape the “TRAPS Trap”. It’s time to start getting the most from your workouts.

It’s time to get “ATHLEAN”



PS. Remember, a collection of exercises written down (but performed incorrectly!) do NOT make a successful program! Stop wasting your hard efforts in the gym by following a step by step “SYSTEM”