Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

You know that feeling you get when you’ve been working your arms…When it feels like your biceps are about to pop? Imagine getting that to happen in…4 MINUTES?!? I just did.

Actually…I didn’t stop there. This will make your lats and upper back scream for mercy too! Upper Body 4 Minute Madness – Can You Do This?

Upper-Body-Workout-Madness-YTI pulled this workout straight out of my…”SWEAT 16″ Total Body Challenge! This video is just a glimpse.

Will you survive this?

Or be one and done?

Click here to order ATHLEAN-X and find out!



P.S. You may want to quit after just the “BACK and BICEPS” region…but you’d just be getting started! Order the A-X system now to get workouts like these for all the muscle groups!