Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Ever see someone do a bodyweight exercise that looks really hard and think to yourself; “I’ll never be able to do that!” Not so fast… I’ll show you how to master:

– Typewriter Pullups
– The Dragon Flag
– Hannibal Pushups
– High Box Jumps
– Floating Tuck Planches

Each one, with one “cheat code” that turns it from impossible to instantly do-able! It doesn’t matter what level of ability you have right now with bodyweight exercises.

I’m positive that you’re going to find this video to be super helpful.


Some of you are going to be doing exercises you never thought you were capable of by the time the video is over!


P.S.   The key to performing any exercise or workout is having the right instruction!  I take great pride in that.  It’s time to finally reach your fitness goals by letting me guide you every step of the way.  I’m happy to do it…

Pick your program here and I’ll take care of the rest.  Let’s do this!

P.P.S.  If you find this video helpful, please do me a favor and share it with anyone you think would find it useful as well.  It’s the greatest way you can show me you like the content of my videos.

Do These 5 “Hard” Bodyweight Exercises with EASE!