Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

I don’t care if you are a rank beginner just starting out, or an elite athlete… You likely do the bench press. But do you ever do any other lifts to help increase your strength on the bench press? If not, you’re making a big mistake.

All too often… In an effort to increase our bench press numbers, we focus on benching only. Maybe you’ve even been advised to do that (bad advice!) Do this and you’ll be shocked at how fast you start adding weight to the bar again.

Ordinary gym bros will tell you the bench is all you have to worry about. Smart coaches know there is much more.

I’ll show you what the smart coaches and lifters are doing (even more than their bench pressing) to dramatically increase their strength! I think you’ll find this very helpful…


P.S.  There are no unimportant muscles.  When you want to develop your body the fastest way possible, you need to learn how to get them to work together the way they want to…in every workout.  I’ve done that for you already here…

Get my step by step ATHLEAN-X program (with meal plan)

P.P.S.  If you find this video helpful, please do me a favor and share it with someone else who’s been looking to get stronger on the bench press.  This will help them.

How to increase your bench press with 3 “non-bench” lifts