Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Ever since I released the video last week…”How to Get a Six Pack – ULTIMATE STEP BY STEP GUIDE” We have gotten over 1,000 emails asking for guidance on one very confusing topic…NUTRITION! Ask and you shall receive.

Everyone wants to know… How to eat to lose fat and keep muscle! There’s been questions on…Intermittent Fasting IIFYM Low Carb No-Fat. And they all have something in common. Do you know what it is?

intermittent-fasting-how-to-YTLike my ab video last week…This one should clear up a lot of the confusion for you.

Meantime, have a great rest of your week my friend and enjoy this video!



P.S. Did you ever wish that nutrition could just be easy! You know? Something you didn’t have to think about. Almost automatic? As you’ll see in this video, it actually could be. I’ve made it a personal and professional mission of mine to make sure of that. The result is what I call my X-Factor Meal Plan and it comes with your ATHLEAN-X Training System. Finally nutrition gets a No B.S. simplification (and you and your body can reap the rewards!)

Never measure. Never count calories. Get ripped. Build muscle. Period. Click here to get your ATHLEAN-X Workout and Nutrition System