Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

If you’ve been watching my channel over the last 14 months… You’ve witnessed a 20lb muscle gain first hand!

No, not in me. I’ve put on about 3-4 pounds. I’m talking about Jesse!  He just hit the 20lb increase milestone.  Here’s exactly what he did to do that… No shortcuts were taken; just hard work and science based training.

Even if you’re not new to training and you’ve been stuck at the same weight for years, you’re going to find this to be helpful.

EVERYONE can add muscle to their frame based on the information in this video. I promise.


P.S.  There are some really important KEY POINTS in this video that may completely change the way you train.  Don’t worry, I highlighted them so you won’t miss any of them.

Click here to watch the video

P.P.S.  If you’re looking for a step by step program that was designed to help you pack on muscle size quickly and safely, check out my MAX SIZE program here…

Start Packing on Muscle with my Science Based Size Program