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More Women’s Workouts: Most women find exercises like pullups and pushups to be intimidating because of the great amount of strength that is required to perform them in their workout. No need to fear them anymore! With these two instant tips, ladies you can start doing pullups and pushups  much more easily, allowing you to get stronger leaner backs and toned arms much more quickly.

The pullup is a difficult bodyweight exercise as is the pushup. Many women are forced to forgo these because of this. In fact, women even have their own version of the pushup to do called a “girl pushup” in which they are done from the knees! While these are an acceptable substitution it’s not the BEST way to developed lean, toned muscular arms if you’re a woman.


Instead, with the workout tips displayed here you can start working your way up to doing the full pushups and pullups. Once you’ve finished watching this video and see how easy it is for you to start doing pullups and pushups you’re going to want to get a women’s workout program that is specifically made for women. Head to and grab the Athlean-XX for Women workout program. The complete 90 day solution to helping every woman workout and get in the best shape of her life. Pullups for women, pushups for women, and every other exercise “for women” become just great exercises period!