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Selecting my favorite dumbbell exercises is like being asked to pick your favorite kid! BUT I had to choose…and choose I did. Here are my 8 best dumbbell exercises

DB’s are great for two reasons.

1. They don’t take up a lot of space making them ideal for those that want to work out at home.


2. They allow you to train very athletically. Three dimensional movement at its best!

8-best-dumbbell-exercises-ytSee the 8 best dumbbell exercises (home or gym). These 8 were chosen based on their ability to give you maximum bang for your buck. You’ll work your entire body with them.

Some you’ll recognize (and should) and some will be brand new to you. Give them a shot and have a great rest of your weekend my friend!



P.S. I tell you not only which 8 I like but why. The same way I approach my workouts in the ATHLEAN-X Training System. It’s what separates our program from the rest…and the speed at which you see results. Way faster when you know why you’re doing something!

Click here to get faster results from your workouts (I’ll make sure of it!)