Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Yeah I know….they’re big, they’re bad they’re the “A” TEAM! But as you guys know, they’ve got nothing on you and the rest of My “A” Team…. TEAM ATHLEAN! and I’ll prove it with the one workout that requires NO fancy equipment at all!


a team workoutSure Bradley Cooper is jacked in this movie. So is Rampage Jackson. But not nearly as much as you will be once you get through this “AthLEAN-X Style” workout I just put together for you!

NO BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT LIKE THIS ONE ANYWHERE! When you see where I do this workout you’re going to be running not walking to go do this tomorrow! TEASER ALERT: It’s not in the “X”BOX

The only thing left I can say about it is “I pity the fool who doesn’t at least try it”!

Stay Strong,


PS. Haven’t yet joined Team AthLEAN? What are you waiting for? Get started on your AthLEAN body today and get the super bonus “6 Pack Cheat Sheet” for a limited time at no extra charge!