Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Among all the aches and pains that can arise from working out… THIS ONE IS THE MOST COMMON!

Different from many however… Bad form isn’t really the cause. In fact, you could be doing everything right on the exercise and still have this sneak up on you.

I’m going to show you today that there actually is a very definitive cause! And it’s one you may totally overlook. Until today…

Time to fix this training mistake once and for all!


P.S.  Happy 4th of July to all of those celebrating today.  This video is an important one (since it affects so many), so if you  can, please share it with someone at the picnic!  You could be saving them a lot of unnecessary pain…

The Most Common Gym Injury and How to Prevent It

P.P.S.  As you’ll see in this video, there are no unimportant muscles in the body.  We wouldn’t have them if they weren’t needed.  I take the same approach with my step by step workouts and meal plans.  I’d love for you to see how much  better you could look by taking a scientific approach to your training…

Let me put the science back in your workouts and nutrition here