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If I had to bet someone you know that wants to lose weight has probably gone…GLUTEN FREE! It may even be YOU. But does it work? Find out here in this NEW video…

Only 0.7% of the population has been diagnosed as gluten intolerant. BUT…Almost 30% of the population has gluten sensitivity (and possibly lots more undiagnosed!) Do you know your status? Learn the difference and how it could be shaping your waistline (and muscles!)

gluten-and-body-fat-ytIt’s important to know. Gluten hides in so many of the foods that you eat every day. Even in your supposedly healthy protein supplements!

I hope you’ll find this video to be a bit of an eye opener, one worth your time, and one worth sharing…



P.S. When I developed the Rx 1, 2 and 3 supplements I was shocked by the utter crap and fillers that were being used by the top 95% of the options on the shelves! Gluten was one of them. No wonder almost all of the ones I took made me sick to my stomach or gave me cramps! Keeping with our commitment to be “THE” highest quality (and not just “a little better”) we made sure that our supplements were 100% gluten free and backed by the latest in sports nutrition science.

Try our Gluten Free Muscle Building Rx Protein Stack here