Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes


Thanks to the magic of live streaming video from YouTube I now have the ability to do impromptu Q&A sessions from my gym to answer your most burning questions about training, nutrition and supplementation.

And to test out this brand new feature…I just did one! Don’t worry if you missed it. It’s recorded and up on my channel NOW!

Athlean X LiveWhat do I cover:

  • Thank you YouTube and all of you who support ATHLEAN-X 1:14
  • I’m an Ectomorph…should I be BULKING first 3:26
  • Can I hurt my elbow joints using too much weight on bicep curls 5:22
  • Can I get your ATHLEAN-X program here in India 7:05
  • Jeff what do you think of Intermittent Fasting 7:58
  • What can we do to build stamina 11:04
  • Should I take antioxidants after I workout 13:00
  • Does sprinting make you lose muscle mass and can I do it after training 13:37
  • Can you do a video of you working out one day in the gym 15:32
  • Can you train every day 17:00
  • How long after your workout is the best time to get in protein 17:26
  • Do you have any “bulking” or tips for adding muscle 18:25
  • Is preworkout stretching a good thing to do 20:26
  • Are foam rollers any good 22:48
  • What’s better…standing or seated shoulder presses 25:18
  • Should I consume alcohol and expect good results while working out 27:28
  • What do you feel about Olympic Lifts 29:38
  • Do you think I can take casein protein after working out 30:37
  • Compound lifts or isolation exercises for adding size 32:45
  • Can I use ATHLEAN-X in conjunction with my boxing / MMA training 34:03
  • I just got my cast off…how should I approach my ATHLEAN-X training 34:30
  • How do I avoid shoulder pain while bench pressing 36:17
  • Do you believe in the incorporation of yoga to build athleticism 38:02
  • What do you think about Tabata and 5×5 workouts 39:20
  • Wrap up and info about the ATHLEAN-X Training System 42:19
  • How do I know if I should I do AX-1 or AX2 44:18

It’s all in here.

Before you run over to listen to all of my answers to these questions…let me leave you with a question of my own for you! Ready?

What ONE THING can you say you did today to get you one step closer to meeting your fitness goals that you may have been putting off now for far too long?

Here’s something you CAN do. Start YOUR “DAY 1” to a new you with ATHLEAN-X!



PS. I’ll be running more of these Q&A’s if you tell me you like them…so be sure to comment below the video and let me know!

PPS. I’m serious about that ONE THING. The greatest transformations in the world ALL start with DAY 1. Will your DAY 1 be today?