Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

Oh boy. Jesse REALLY screwed up this time!

He opened his mouth to the  wrong person… And paid for it!

I have to be honest though – he kind of had it coming… You can’t challenge a guy that outweighs you by more than 100 lbs and not expect some problems!

Love him or hate him… You’re going to find something to love in this video. Trust me!


P.S.  Even Disney Trivia couldn’t save Jesse in this one.  Who knew the warrior had a soft side?!?

P.P.S.  By the way, if you missed the video I did on Sheamus’ channel it is now live.  You can watch it here. I actually do the complete workout with the Celtic Warrior himself set for set (and barely live to talk about it!)

Click here to watch the full video of Sheamus and Jeff working out