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Luis Ochoa Luis Ochoa
Luis Ochoa – From Flab to Abs (ROCKS AN 8 PACK!!)✝✝
Luis Ochoa: 25 Stockton, California
Jeff you are the best. Thanks for a great program. Before I had trained with ATHLEAN-X I would sometimes spend up to 3 hours in the gym, what did that get me....very little muscle definition. Once I started training with ATHLEAN-X I saw my body making major changes and the best part I only had to train for a short period of time.
I now have a 6 pack Jeff thanks to you. My eating and training have changed and you helped me so much. Thanks Jeff!  
Spyros Pandis Spyros Pandis
Spyros Pandis – Will NEVER Use Another Program Again✝✝
Spyros Pandis : 22 London, England
ATHLEAN-X is the best training program I have ever been through and I will never have to try another. The program gives you everything and I love how there are constant challenges to measure yourself and see how you are doing. My whole body as made great gains. I can't want to workout everyday with the workouts changing daily and always something new from Jeff that we haven't seen before.
Keep up the great work TEAM ATHLEAN.  
Henri Capin Gally Henri Capin Gally
Henri Capin Gally✝✝
Henri Capin Gally : 33 Mexico City, Mexico
One year ago I decided to start working out again. I spent several hours in the gym 6 days a week for 18 straight months, working-out as hard as I could; this led nowhere. Finally, 90 days ago I found your program. I can say its transformed my philosophy towards working out, it has produced unimaginable athletic and aesthetic results. I just came back from a surfing trip (after completing the AX-1 program), I surfed better that when I was 20 years old; my arms never felt drained, in spite of spending 4 to 5 hours per day catching waves; I felt quick on my feet, with great balance, I am still in awe.
I feel athletic, full of energy and look forward to the AX exciting workouts everyday. Your program also taught me to eat and to think seriously about nutrition. I am thrilled to have started the AX-2 program.    
Guy Williams Guy Williams
Guy Williams✝✝
Guy Williams : 51 Kingston, New Hampshire
Things I enjoyed about the ATHLEAN-X program were the varity. I like that the workouts constantly change to keep the muscles guessing. Can’t get bored with any workout here. Safety. At 51 years old I have to be careful about hurting myself. Young guys may not realize it but as you age you are more susceptible to injuries, especially if exercises are not performed correctly. Jeff shows us the correct way to do things and what to avoid. Access. If I forget a particular move or exercise I can view it from my phone in seconds.
Also, I can view the workout from anywhere in case I am out of town and want to get an unscheduled workout in. Complete Program. By having weight training with cardio and nutrition one really learns how to get your body in top shape. Many of my friends and my old self included, would only focus on one or maybe two of the three. It wasn’t until I started performing all three that I really moved to the next level.  
Brian Riley Brian Riley
Brian Riley – Helps Recover INJURIES From OTHER Programs!✝✝
Brian Riley: 53 Wakefield , Massachusetts
I am currently using ATHLEAN-X for men. I am a 53 year old male and found Jeff on the internet while I was trying to recover from an injury I got doing the P90X. I have worked out with a few popular programs P90X, Insanity, and Darin Steens Fat loss life style. ATHLEAN-X blows them away.
Not only did Jeff get me pain free but he made me the most functionally fit I have been my whole life. I am doing the NXT right now and looking forward to the Jeff's summer prep.  
James Basner
James Basner
Battle Creek , Michigan
Results may not be typical, Individual results may vary.*
Rich Van Bourgondien
Rich Van Bourgondien
Springfield, Ohio
Results may not be typical, Individual results may vary.*
Paul Fuss
Paul Fuss
Victoria , Australia
Results may not be typical, Individual results may vary.*
Rayshad Withrow – Gets Absolutely Jacked!! (BEASTMODE)✝✝
Rayshad Withrow: 22 Louisville, Kentucky
I was overweight and out of shape when I first started the ATHLEAN-X training program. I couldn't make it through the bust training days, but I stayed consistent and followed the plan Jeff laid out for us with the workouts and the meal plan. Eventually week after week following the program to a t I got better results and started seeing great changes in my body.
Seeing the results made me work harder and ATHLEAN-X has become a addiction and helped me change my life. Everything is laid out for you there is no guessing involved. Thanks guys!  
Sean Hyson
Sean Hyson – Men’s Fitness Magazine Editor Points Guys Seeking “Athletic Muscle” To ATHLEAN-X!✝✝
Sean Hyson: 28 Brooklyn , New York
Jeff Cavaliere has been a great asset to the work I do at Men's Fitness. His ATHLEAN-X system is perfect for guys who want to look and move like athletes. Now they can really make it happen!  
Seeing the results made me work harder and ATHLEAN-X has become a addiction and helped me change my life. Everything is laid out for you there is no guessing involved. Thanks guys!  
Matthew Rosenberger Matthew Rosenberger
Matt Rosenberger – Underwear Model Gets “Cover Ready” Abs… and Keeps Them Year Round!✝✝
Matthew Rosenberger: 28 Brooklyn, New York
The key to my success is staying ripped all year round so about a year ago I did a search on YouTube for ab workouts initially and that’s when I came across “Washboard Wednesday”. Before this, I really didn’t have variety in the ab routine I was on at the time. I knew I needed to take it up a notch and try something new and when I watched some of the videos; I noticed right away that the way Jeff’s physique was exactly the look I needed in order to book jobs.
After trying the “Washboard Wednesday” ab routine in 12 weeks or less I immediately noticed an extreme difference in abdominal definition that I accomplished. At that point I did what anyone else in my shoes would have done; I went ahead and bought the entire program at a reasonable cost. Now everyone at the gym asks me where I get all my exercises from and that motivates me even more to keep following the ATHLEAN-X system and nutrition advice. My self esteem has improved and I never have to worry about what I will be doing next in the gym, not to mention the pay increase. The money spent on the ATHLEAN-X program was definitely well returned.  
Todor Jelev Todor Jelev
Tony Jelev – The “Real Deal” Gets Him JACKED and SHREDDED!✝✝
Todor Jelev : 39 Las Vegas, Nevada
I have been through AX-1 and AX-2 and would like to give my honest opinion. Both programs are equally good and equally different. No matter which one you choose you will not be disappointed. These are not your average programs with tips from some guy pretending to be an online coach.
Jeff is the real deal and I'm grateful to have him as my coach and train with ATHLEAN-X.  
Rob Tyre Rob Tyre
Rob Tyre – “Hardgainers” Only Exist When You’re Using The WRONG Program!✝✝
Rob Tyre: 21 Cherry Hills, Colorado
Growing up I was the smaller, skinny kid. It took till about the age of 19 till I got serious about my fitness. Stuck out in the middle of Iraq serving our country, I stumbled across ATHLEAN-X online. The product gave me the nutrition program, and workout regime I needed to begin not only transforming my body, but also my mind and way of life!! This program made me push myself to limits I didn't think were possible and now when I look at myself in the mirror and see where I was and where I am now, I've never looked back.