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When guys ask me what the quickest way to a six pack is, my answer is always a two part one. FIRST…you obviously need to have your nutrition in check (notice I didn’t say D-I-E-T…read the P.S. below for why!)

SECOND…you need to pay heavy attention to the often overlooked Oblique muscles.

obliques scorcher exerciseJust as you would put a frame around a picture in order to make it look nicer or stand out more…the same applies to the relationship between your abs and the obliques! “Frame” your abs with this Oblique Scorcher!

There’s one thing I tell my athletes all the time, and I’m going to share it with you now. THERE ARE NO UNIMPORTANT MUSCLES! Each one deserves your attention.

In order to get the most visible results (in your abs as well as the rest of your body) in the fastest time possible…you need to work each of them…and in a way that allows them to help each other the way their function was intended in the first place!

That my friend, is the WHOLE basis of my ATHLEAN-X System and that is why we are able to get the type of results that others either cannot, or take much longer to get.

Start Seeing Visible Results Sooner with ATHLEAN-X



P.S. I NEVER use the word “D.I.E.T” with ATHLEAN-X! Diets are based on restriction and deprivation. That’s NOT how athletes eat, and that’s not what your muscles need. Instead, as you’ll see in my X-Factor Meal Plans…you actually get to eat and eat plenty.

Experience a meal plan without “diet-like” restriction Get Your ATHLEAN-X Program and Meal Plan