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Last month I was asked to write an article for Men’s Fitness magazine about…How to Make Injury Prone Exercises the Healthy Muscle Builders They Were Meant to Be!

This was right up my alley since my very own ATHLEAN-X program was built on not only being THE most effective program at building muscle and burning fat…but doing it SAFELY!

First up…the Upright Row

upright row most dangerous shoulder exerciseYes, this is a classic muscle builder for the shoulders…but if you’re doing it…I can pretty much guarantee you an eventual shoulder problem! If so, it’s time to shift the soreness with the ATHLEAN-X Training System!

Sore muscles recover and grow bigger and stronger.  Sore joints prevent you from training hard…or training at all! Big difference.



P.S. There are lots of exercises that you may still be doing that really deserve to be buried in the “iron graveyard” or modified to reduce their risk (and increase their ability to produce MAJOR GAINS!)

Get a complete 90 day program built around the RIGHT exercises…ATHLEAN-X!