Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

Be honest.

Have you ever shied away from doing certain exercises because…

1.  You’re afraid of how you’ll look doing them
2.  You’ve heard someone say it was a “sissy” exercise

Well, today I’m going to show you what a mistake that is! Yes, I’m breaking out the puffy shirt in this one to prove a point. Don’t worry… It will all make perfect sense, trust me!

This may wind up being one of the most helpful videos you ever watch from me. Hopefully, I’ll be able to change some minds and most of all, your body!


P.S.  As a strength coach for professional athletes, I can tell you first hand, there are NO unimportant muscles.  They all have a very important role in the big picture.  That’s why I never overlook them in my workouts.  The result?  Faster gains, safer!

See your fastest gains ever by training like an athlete here…

P.P.S.  If you know someone that can benefit from doing these exercises (likely everyone you know that lifts!) do me a favor and share this one with them.  It’s greatly appreciated.