Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

The DB Bench Press…a definite staple exercise of any good chest workout. BUT….not the BEST! Why? Because there’s a different way you can do it that will turn this “Chest Crusher” into a “Chest AND Core Crusher” with just one simple tweak.

You see, that’s the incredible thing about working out and exercise variation. Sometimes it’s the smallest change to a common movement that can yield HUGE RESULTS. As a matter of fact, the changes are usually so easy to implement that you can do them in your very next workout.

john cena workoutThe problem is…we often tend to follow the same old workouts and the same old exercises OVER and OVER again.

We’ll read the latest Men’s Health Magazine, see what the ripped celebrity on the cover uses to get “that look” (i.e. the WWE’s John Cena) and start doing that workout for the next few weeks or even months hoping to get the same results.

Problem is… – you’re NOT John Cena – you don’t know what other variables played into his results (like his rest, nutrition, trainers, etc.) – your stand alone magazine workout has NO STRUCTURE, PROGRESSION, or VARIETY to keep your results coming!

In true Hollywood fashion…things aren’t always what they appear to be. UNLESS you’re able to look at these workouts with a discerning eye…to pick and choose what CAN work for you and what should stay on the pages of the magazine!

In the ATHLEAN-X program, I break it all down for you so that there’s no guesswork.  You’ll KNOW you’re getting the best exercises with the best technique, and special tips from me so that you get the most out of each rep.

If you want that STRUCTURE, PROGRESSION and VARIETY, come join us on “TEAM ATHLEAN” now!



PS. See why “functional” training doesn’t mean “circus acts” or “light weights” in this video.