Consider this a quick little public service announcement; my gift to all those that train their chest!
Jesse said… “Jeff you should try this cool new chest exercise. Great contraction!”
Well, since I don’t like to dwell on dumb exercises however, I wanted to help him and you out! I’m giving you an alternative that is MUCH MORE effective.
I say it all the time… Exercises need to have a purpose and they really should have a hefty dose of science to back up their reason for doing it. Jesse missed that part. I’m going to make sure that you don’t!
P.S. If you’re looking for a step by step program where I have you do only the exercises that work the best, while avoiding those that just waste your time then I invite you to start training like an athlete. You’ll be shocked at how much faster your gains will come by doing this…
Start skyrocketing your gains by training like an athlete here
P.P.S. What is up with Jesse’s hair in this video?!?