Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

You’ve probably heard the phrase “SPEED KILLS”. Well…when it comes to your workouts and how long it’s taking you to complete them, the opposite is actually true. In fact, it comes down to one indisputable fact (based again on the science of muscle recovery) and one simple option.

You can either:

1. Workout for a long time


2. Workout at high intensity
speed up muscle growthBut you CAN’T workout hard AND long without significantly cutting into your recovery ability and wind up burnt out, overtrained, and with far less than the gains you set out for at the start.

If there’s one concept that I stress more than any with ATHLEAN-X it’s the absolute necessity to find that perfect balance between training intensity and volume if you want to start getting “plateau-free” results and STAY OUT of that stagnant realm of overtraining.

Take this past week for example.  How many times did you get your workout in?  If you answered ZERO, it’s probably because the thought of committing yourself to 6-7 days of 60-90 minute workouts is about as appealing as…(insert whatever other thing you might find as inconveniently time consuming!).

If you answered anything else but STILL seem to look the same as you did not only last week, but as the last 3…4…or even more weeks, I can tell you without a doubt that you’re overtraining!!

WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT:  Your body is meant to improve from working out. In fact, getting results is not as hard as it’s been made out to be….“IF” YOUR TRAINING VOLUMES ARE CORRECT.

Remember, just enough to stimulate new gains but not too much to result in burn out, fatigue, or stalled progress. And here’s the physiological fact…. If you’re training for more than 40 minutes at any one time then two things are happening to your body…

1. You’re not training hard enough to build lean muscle (since workouts of high enough intensity to spark quick muscle growth can’t be performed for much longer than 40 minutes)


2. You’re contributing even more to the state of overtraining (and zero results you’ve been getting) with each additional workout you do.

My best professional advise to you?  STOP TRAINING THIS WAY!!

Instead, use the intensity techniques shown in this video…and learn exactly how and when to integrate them into a 90 day workout plan that will allow you to finally get the “plateau free” muscle gains and fat loss you should have been getting from your training all along (while never working out more than 40 minutes ever again!)

Looking forward to seeing how much more quickly your results come…by actually speeding up those workouts!! Goodbye 60 Minute plus workouts hello ripped, athletic, and lean body!

PS. The best transformations we’ve had here at ATHLEAN-X have come from the person getting control of this one variable more than any other – TRAINING VOLUME and INTENSITY!

Click Here to Get The Exact Set/Rep/Workout Times Needed To Get Your Best Results. For more muscle building strategies and a complete 90 day workout plan to add the most lean muscle while decreasing your body fat, it’s time to start training like an athlete…so you can start looking like one!