Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

We’ve all got one. That one stubborn exercise that no matter how strong we get seems to get the better of us every single time. You know what I’m talking about?

For you it might be the bench press… (where you seemingly feel stuck using the same weight over and over and over every time you do it!)

weakest link workoutOR

Maybe Hanging Leg Raises for your abs… (where you just can’t seem to lift those legs up without swinging because you lack the strength and stability in your core to do so!)


If you’re like 95% of the guys around you, it’s the basic PULLUP can bring you to your knees faster than virtually ANY other exercise (even though you may be strong as an ox on all your other lifts!!)

For me this was clearly the case. But I do want to point out that I said “WAS” the case. You see, a few years back I came across this technique that allowed me to start cranking out pullups with ease (as you’ll see in this video!) and I wanted to share it with you now.

By applying this one quick but super effective tip, you can start seeing strength gains in even the very next workout (instead of the months and years that you’ve been used to)

Trust me…It’s these types of techniques that make ALL the difference in the world between getting results…REAL, NOTICEABLE results…. and just looking the same day after day.

And it’s this type of “built-in” motivator that you’ll find in each one of the weekly ATHLEAN CHALLENGES in the ATHLEAN-X workouts that will have you not only getting results, but getting them FASTER than ever! Start training for results now!!

Get your AthLEAN-X Training System Today

