Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Get 6 Pack Abs at home here: We move onto week 7 of The “Home Abs Workout” or Washboard Wednesday series and now we have turned the corner and are heading home toward your new of ripped abs. This week we look at cool “6 pack abs” exercises that will get you that lean, ripped, and athletic 6 pack that you’ve been working hard on getting with our abs workout video series these past 6 weeks. Jeff Cavaliere, trainer to the stars, put this ab exercise video series together to show you step by step over the course of 12 weeks, how you can get the best abs possible using the best ab workout on the market today.


Now, as any of you who have done the series up to this point you’ll probably be willing to agree that these ab workouts are not easy. But…they are effective! You can get in this abs workout at home or anywhere really and be able to do them in just 5-10 minutes a day 4-6 times a week and get great results. Six pack abs are not something that have to be impossible to get. With the right combination of good nutrition and effective ab exercises you can start seeing results in as soon as 2-3 weeks! That said, once you’re done with this video, you’re going to want to head over to to get the complete 90 day system for transforming your body into a lean, ripped athletic machine. This is called AthLEAN-X and is the #1 simultaneous muscle building fat burning system on the market today created by celebrity trainer Jeff Cavaliere.