Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

If you still think you need 60 minute workouts to do something that produces results….Think again! This AthLEAN “DOUBLE X” Challenge is straight out of the new AthLEAN-XX For Women Program, yet it’s one of the toughest challenges so far.

Just 10 Minutes (and twice as long to recover!) Is All You Need

It’s so tough in fact that it brought one of my top pro athletes to his knees when I challenged him to complete it with me at the stadium…and OK, I admit…I wasn’t far behind.

So “Why The Challenges” you may be asking…One of the greatest benefits you get from putting yourself to a physical test (with the AthLEAN-X challenges especially) is…Goal setting and more importantly – GOAL ANNIHILATION!!

Think about it. You’re taking a test that when you’re done, you can easily go to our YouTube channel, or Facebook fan page and see how you stack up against everyone else! See what others like you have done already and then you’re driven to push yourself harder than ever before to try and blow those numbers away!

The other benefit….Staying on track and avoiding the normal training plateaus that come on OTHER programs!

By having a firm number to indicate your fitness you can easily track your improvement in your training over time…in this case 90 days! Think of it as solid proof and evidence of your growth and strength BEYOND the in the first few weeks of doing an intense program like AthLEAN-X.

Let’s face it, even the most dedicated athlete can get bored with a workout program unless it’s constantly changing… constantly challenging you in new ways to become a better version of yourself with each new workout.

Having trained some of the top pro athletes in the world, I can tell you that the death of a successful workout program is “status quo”… If your workout feels like it’s getting old…or it’s stopped providing a challenge for you months ago then it’s time for The AthLEAN-X Training System, the step by step #1 Fat Burning and Muscle Building program available today!

Discover what it’s like to train like a pro athlete. Discover what it’s like to train with a program that TRAINS you!

Enjoy the rest of your week10 minute home workout challenge!

Stay Strong…


P.S. I posted a score of 409 on the challenge in this video! Comment below and let me know what your score was.

P.P.S Get AthLEAN-X and see if you can beat my best time of 6:42 on the week 4 “400 Challenge” of AthLEAN-X.